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A real-time operating system (RTOS) for use with minimal-memory controllers has a kernel for managing task execution, including context switching, a plurality of defined tasks, individual ones of the tasks having subroutines callable in nested levels
seo网页加速技术,预加载 DNS Prefetching 详解 DNS Prefetching 是什么 : DNS 是什么-- Domain Name System,域名系统,作为域名和IP地址相互映射的一个分布式数据库.DNS大家都懂,那么浏览器访问域名的时候,是需要去解析一次DNS,也就是把域名 google.com解析到对应的ip地址上,修改本机hosts就是主动的影响DNS解析.既然要解析就会损耗时间,对于前端特别是移动端而言,分秒必争,所以浏览器厂商-Chrome最想搞了这个新功能.