太久没有用SQL语句都有些忘记了,今天工作中遇到了那就尝试记录一下吧 需求是这样的:想查询同一个字段下,两条指定了不同内容,的其他的值 主要是要想到用where......in 语句如下:select * from jac_motorcade_vehicle where vin in ('VSN00001888888888','ZH201807090001002','ZHT00002000020026')
对于Partition表而言,是否Global Index 和 Local Index 可以针对同一个字段建立? 实验证明,对单独的列而言,要么建立 Global Index, 要么建立 Local Index.不能既建立 Global Index, 又建立 Local Index === Test Case ===#### Testcase - 0809 - 1 It is not possible to create both Global Index and Local Index for
SELECT GET .daytime, GET.data AS GET, xh.data AS xh FROM ( SELECT daytime, SUM ( get_sum ) AS data FROM yuanbao_get GROUP BY daytime ORDER BY daytime ) AS GET, ( SELECT daytime, SUM ( xh_sum ) AS data FROM yuanbao_xh GROUP BY daytime ORDE
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS testEndHandle; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE testEndHandle() BEGIN DECLARE s_tablename VARCHAR(100); /*显示表的数据库中的所有表 SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='databasename' Order by table_name ; */ #
1.通过存储过程 循环 传值 create or replace procedure p_u isbegin for rs in (select distinct (rks) from rkbz)loopupdate osm_t_arc_customers t set t.population = rs.rks + 4 where t.code in (select code from osm_t_arc_customers where code in (select rscode from r