Spring Security 有两个作用:认证和授权 一.Srping security 4 filter 别名及顺序 spring security 4 标准filter别名和顺序,因为经常要用就保存到自己博客吧 点击访问官网链接 Table 6.1. Standard Filter Aliases and Ordering Alias Filter Class Namespace Element or Attribute CHANNEL_FILTER ChannelProcessingF
最近公司有业务需求,要对Dubbo接口调用者进行身份验证,验证通过才能调用,网上一些资料不够全面,遂整理了一下. 在provider方定义一个filter,需要实现com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Filter(需要引入com.alibaba.dubbo依赖): public class AuthorizationFilter implements Filter { @Override public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocati
The order the container uses in building the chain of filters to be applied for a particular request URI is as follows:1. First, the <url-pattern> matching filter mappings in the same order that these elements appear in the deployment descriptor.2.
在网上看各种SpringSecurity教程时,都讲到了SpringSecurity的Filter顺序.但是一直不知道这个顺序在源码中是如何体现的.今天一步一步的查找,最终找到顺序是在FilterComparator中定义的. 先看一下代码: /** * An internal use only {@link Comparator} that sorts the Security {@link Filter} * instances to ensure they are in the corre