前提:python中要集成Tkinter,Tkinter模块("Tk 接口")是Python的标准Tk GUI工具包的接口.Tk和Tkinter可以在大多数的Unix平台下使用,同样可以应用在Windows和Macintosh系统里),这是python内置模块. 问题:导入模块时,提示can't import Tkinter. Your Python may not be configured for Tk >>>from Tkinter import * can't
一.不管什么程序,function name(){}, for(){}, ….这太多了,不说也知道什么用了. 二.$str{4}在字符串的变量的后面跟上{}大括号和中括号[]一样都是把某个字符串变量当成数组处理. 三.{$val}这种情况就是我遇到的问题,这时候大括号起的作用就是,告诉PHP,括起来的要当成变量处理. 如下例子: //The following is okay as it's inside a string. Constants are not //looked for with
#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct struct1{ /* struct1(){ cout<<"this is output by struct1 !"; } if add this code block , such errors like 'you must initlizer data number of struct1 by constructor in g++98' will occor in
String.Format("{0} world!","hello") //将输出 hello world!,没有问题,但是只要在第一个参数的任意位置加上一个大括号: String.Format("{0} wo{rld!","hello") //就会产生一个异常,异常信息是:Input string was not in a correct format. //解决办法:String.Format("{0} wo{{
安装EasyGUI 教程http://www.cnblogs.com/zym941001/p/5323319.html Helloworld import easygui as g g.msgbox('Hello World!!') 2. 按钮组件 ①msgbox() msgbox(msg='(Your message goes here)',title='',ok_button='OK',image=None,root=None) ②ccbox() Ccbox(msg='Shall I con