设置formatter属性,是一个函数,格式化函数有3个参数: The cell formatter function, take three parameters:value: the field value.rowData: the row record data.rowIndex: the row index. 一.格式化显示性别 后台传过来的js
用Grid显示数据后,如何让系统自动选取第一条记录呢?在显示Grid时由于其Store正在loading,没法在Grid选取第一条记录,因为还没有记录,所以应在其Store进行操作. 查看的load()方法如下: load( [options] )Loads data into the Store via the configured proxy. This uses the Proxy to make an asynchronous call to whatever
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表名:ChinaStates 控件:Repeater 查询代码DA: public class ChinaStatesDA { private DataClassesDataContext Context; // 构建LINQ public ChinaStatesDA() { Context = new DataClassesDataContext(); } public List<ChinaStates> Select(int nowye,int numbers)