Link: 引用: I fixed the problem the following way (I'm using RAD v8.5.1): . Windows --> Preferences --> Validation . Scroll down to "JPA Validator&qu
Description Resource Path Location TypeA cycle was detected in the build path of project 'shgl-category-api'. The cycle consists of projects {shgl-category-api, shgl-category-provider} shgl-category-api Build path Build Path Problem 项目出现红色叹号 有可能好几种原因
Eclipse无法导入jar包时, 提示:“Setting build path” has encountered a problem,Could not write file D:\\workspace\aaa\.classpath 原因有可能是因为.classpath文件为隐藏文件,修改其隐藏属性为可见即可.隐藏文件或者只读文件就会显示无法写入. 这种错误的情况常见于将一个Java项目从一台机器的Eclipse工作环境下拷到其他机器的Eclipse工作环境下会出现此错误的几率!
在eclipse中使用搜索功能,发生错误: "File Search" has encounter a problem 仔细看了一下自动跳出的错误日志(Error Log),发现: .......Resource is out of sync with the file system 原因:eclipse中的文件和workspace中文件不一致.(自己在workspace中用改了某个文件,即在eclipse工程之外的地方修改了源文件但是没有刷新) 解决方法: 方法1 在工程目录右键
近期打开Eclipse的时候,总是发生这种一个错误:"Running Android Lint has encountered a problem".截图例如以下: . 可是Eclipse能够正常执行程序.不会造成其它影响.可是每次打开Eclipse时.总是看到这个警告,心情会非常不爽.详细解决方式例如以下: (1)打开Preferences.在Windows以下应该在WIndow-->Preferences.在mac下在Eclipse-->偏好设置.选择Android--
二.eclipse 新建maven 项目报错(因为没有配置maven环境) 1.问题: ① 出现的问题1: Could not calculate build plan:Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.
1) Download the SDK platform for API 20 (4.4W) 2) Navigate to your sdk folder (should be like D:\EclipseWorkspace\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140321\sdk) 3) Go to platforms folder -> android-21 folder -> data folder 4) rename layoutlib.jar (for back