1.关于Dapper.Contrib Dapper.Contrib是Dapper的一个拓展类库,Dapper是一个轻量级ORM框架,这个不了解的请自行收集资料,本文主要讲讲,数据库生成实体,并通过实体进行CURD 2.首先,我们了解下Dapper.Contrib需要实体的格式: using Dapper.Contrib.Extensions; [Table("StudentSet")] public partial class StudentSet { [Key] public int
Using EF Oracle Sample Provider with EDM Designer (from msdn) Many people are asking if it is possible to use EFOracleProvider with EDM Designer in Visual Studio 2008 SP1. The answer is yes, but because the sample doesn't include a DDEX provider req
使用EF第一次加载程序会很慢,因为EF第一次会生成实体类和数据库的对应关系并做缓存,怎么解决这个问题呢?站在巨人的肩膀上将会省力很多,博客园的dudu已经给出了个解决方案(EF版本6.0以上) http://www.cnblogs.com/dudu/p/entity-framework-warm-up.html 主要代码如下: using (var dbcontext = new CnblogsDbContext()) { var objectContext = ((IObjectContext