最近在学习SSD的源码,其中有两个自定的层,特此学习一下并记录. import keras.backend as K from keras.engine.topology import InputSpec from keras.engine.topology import Layer import numpy as np class L2Normalization(Layer): ''' Performs L2 normalization on the input tensor with a l
在做一个NavigationController push 子页面时,发现push和pop时很卡,研究了一大阵子后,发现在子页面里影响UI流畅的只有UIImageView的圆角设置:然后我就关闭了圆角,重新运行果然流畅多了.但是产品的需求必须加圆角,没办法,去stackoverflow找方案,发现方法都大同小异,只不过是绘制上做一些优化.后来查看layer的头文件,最后找到了一个牛B的属性: [cpp] view plaincopy /* When true, the layer is rend
Implement C++ Class The C++ class of the layer implements the initialization, forward, and backward part of the layer. It needs to derive the base class paddle::Layer, and it needs to override the following functions: constructor and destructor. init