读取文件,获取json格式的数据doc, 然后使用 bulkRequestBuilder.add(client.prepareIndex(index, type, id).setSource(doc)); 往ES中批量插入文档,接着就报下面这个异常错误: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The number of object passed must be even but was [1] 后来,花了点时间,才查到原因: ES 变更版本后,此处代码不适用,
一.快速入门1. 查看集群的健康状况http://localhost:9200/_cat http://localhost:9200/_cat/health?v 说明:v是用来要求在结果中返回表头 状态值说明 Green - everything is good (cluster is fully functional),即最佳状态Yellow - all data is available but some replicas are not yet allocated (cluster is
ES-PHP向ES批量添加文档报No alive nodes found in your cluster 2016年12月14日 12:31:40 阅读数:2668 参考文章phpcurl 请求Chunked-Encoded data 遇到的一个问题 问题描述 为了提高保存数据到es消耗的时间,采取积攒到3000条文档的时候才保存到ES中,之前一直没有问题,昨天新上了几个log服务器后,经常会发现保存失败报如下错误: No alive nodes found in your cluster 1
摘自:https://es.xiaoleilu.com/070_Index_Mgmt/31_Metadata_source.html The _source field stores the JSON you send to Elasticsearch and you can choose to only return certain fields if needed, which is perfect for your use case. I have never heard that the