qid name like content 1 A 1 the first text 2 B 2 the Second text 1 C 3 the Third text 如上表所示,当我们需要某个qid执行删除操作时,可以按照如下语句进行执行 String hql="from bbsLikes b where b.qid=(:ID)"; String[] paramName={"ID"}; Object[] value= List list = this.getH
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE del_p --建立名为del_p 的过程 IS CURSOR get_abid --简历名为get_abid的cursor 用来存放a表的id和b表的id. IS SELECT a.ID aid, b.ID bid FROM userinfo a INNER JOIN users b ON a.username = b.username; --将a表的id命名为aid,b表的id命名为bid BEGIN FOR rec_abid IN g