BLE MESH 学习 BLE MESH 是一种蓝牙(n:m)组网的技术. 本篇先介绍 BLE MESH 到使用 ESP32 的官方示例对其进行学习讲解. 后面会进一步学习 SIG 的 BLE MESH 协议和架构,以及 RTL8762C 使用. 一. BLE 和 经典蓝牙简介 1.1 SIG 简介 蓝牙技术现如今由蓝牙技术联盟(Bluetooth special interest group,简称Bluetooth SIG)制定,后面称 SIG.SIG 负责发布维护蓝牙的通信规格和标准. 1.
nRF5 SDK for Mesh(六) BLE MESH 的 基础概念 Basic Bluetooth Mesh concepts The Bluetooth Mesh is a profile specification developed and published by the Bluetooth SIG. This document explains the basic concepts of the Bluetooth Mesh and gives an overview of th
Basic Bluetooth Mesh concepts The Bluetooth Mesh is a profile specification developed and published by the Bluetooth SIG. This document explains the basic concepts of the Bluetooth Mesh and gives an overview of the operation and capabilities of the p
Exploring Mesh APIs using light switch example The light switch example is meant to showcase the APIs for the provisioner and provisionee roles and how a simple Bluetooth Mesh network may be set up and configured. The network consists of one static p
The mesh architecture The mesh stack consists of a number of subsystems that are interfaced through a set of API modules. The API modules hide the complexity of their subsystems. The functionality provided in the API is sufficient to make a functio
Getting started To get started, take a look at the Light switch demo. It shows how a simple application can use the mesh stack and serves as an introduction to the Bluetooth Mesh concepts and nRF5 SDK for Mesh features and APIs. Bluetooth Mesh introd