分区表数据泵导入太慢,达不到客户的迁移要求导出语句如下:(10G单节点)userid='/ as sysdba'directory=milk_dirdumpfile=mon_%U.dmplogfile=0828.logschemas=monparallel=8 导入语句(11G的rac):userid='/ as sysdba'directory=milk_dirdumpfile=mon_%U.dmplogfile=0828.logparallel=8CLUSTER=N 整个过程导出花费了3个小
[2.以下是更新统计信息] DECLARE UpdateStatisticsTables CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT sst.name, Schema_name(sst.schema_id) FROM sys.tables sst WHERE sst.TYPE = 'U' DECLARE @name VARCHAR(80), @schema VARCHAR(40) OPEN UpdateStatisticsTables FETCH NEXT FROM UpdateSt
1.构建db2admin模式下的所有表的重组语句: select ' reorg table '||TABLE_NAME||';' from sysibm.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'DB2ADMIN' 2.构建db2admin模式下的所有表更新统计信息的语句: select ' runstats on table '||replace(TABLE_SCHEMA||'.'||TABLE_NAME,' ','')||' with distribution and
overview Oracle's cost-based optimizer (COB) uses statistics to calculate the selectivity (the fraction of rows in a table that the SQL statement's predicate chooses) of predicates and to estimate the "cost" of each execution plan. The COB will