error: Failed dependencies: MySQLconflicts 错误提示: error: Failed dependencies: mysql conflicts with mysql-server.i386 原因及解决办法: That means there's an old version MySQL in the current OS, use rpm -e to remove it. rp
最近小明在Win7系统中下载了一款软件,但是在下载的时候弹出了NSIS Error:Installer integrity check has failed.Common causer include incomplete download and damaged media.Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy. 的提示无法安装该怎么办? 出现这样的提示一般是由于程序包错误导致,可以尝试以下方法进行修复: 1.在安装程序上单击右
标签(空格分隔): ceph ceph运维 rbd 问题描述: 创建完镜像foo后,映射镜像时提示下面的错误: [root@node3 ~]# rbd map testpool/foo rbd: sysfs write failed RBD image feature set mismatch. Try disabling features unsupported by the kernel with "rbd feature disable". In some cases usefu