Introduction The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is an open packaging system that runs on Fedora as well as other Linux and UNIX systems. Red Hat and the Fedora Project encourage other vendors to use RPM for their own products. RPM is distributed under the
Redis是一个超精简的基于内存的键值对NOSQL数据库(key-value),一般对并发有一定要求的应用都用其储存session,乃至整个数据库.不过它公自带一个最小化的命令行式的数据库管理工具redis-cli,但使用起来并不方便.所幸Github上面已经有了很多图形化的管理工具,如果你不想对着黑屏打码的话,这是一些选择. Redis Desktop Manager 一款基于Qt5的跨平台Redis桌面管理软件 支持: Windows 7+, Mac OS X 10.10+, Ubuntu