利用ffmpeg 获取USB 或者本地摄像机视频,并将视频编码后保存本地文件或者发送到远端流媒体服务经常会出现 类似real-time buffer [USB2.0 Camera] [video input] too full or near too full (101% of size: 30412) 这样的错误,其根本 原因是编码的速度太慢导致过多的图片数据保存在缓存内,缓存区空间太小或满了就会报错.如何解决这个问题呢? 有两条思路:1加快编码速度,可以选择硬件编码.2是读取视频包跟编码分两
avcodec_decode_video2. returns -1094995529. #define AVERROR_INVALIDDATA FFERRTAG( 'I','N','D','A') The -1094995529 becomes -0x41444E49 and when you look at those letters, in ACSII, 0x41 = 'A', 0x44 = 'D', 0x4E = 'N, and 0x49 = 'I'. https://baike.ba
The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on t