很多实用fiddler抓包,对于http来说不需太多纠结,随便设置下就能用,但是抓取https就死活抓不了, 诸如以下问题: creation of the root certificate was not successful Failed to find the root certificate in User Root List The Root certificate could not be found. The root certificate could not be locate
说明: 用charles抓取https请求,会出现SSL Proxying disabled in Proxy Settings这样的提示,如下图.要通过charles抓取数据,还需要进行一些简单的设置. 具体: 1. 安装charles ca证书 1.1 选择 help | Install Charles CA SSL Certificate 1.2 然后会弹出证书信息,选择安装证书,下一步,将证书存储改为:受信任的根证书颁发机构,下一步,完成 2. 修改charles的proxy setti