1. 第一个问题:时间少了8小时 Log4j 输出的日志中,时间比系统时间少了8小时,但是 eclipse 控制台输出的日志的时间却是对的. log4j配置如下: #all logger output level is 'ERROR' and output position is stdout #so only write our project's DEBUG log and ERROR log of the others log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, stdout, R #
Logs Viewer 功能描述 Using this tool you can easily check your editor console logs inside the game itself! No need to go back to the project and do any tests to track the problems! 使用此工具,不管在手机或者Unity Editor中,你都可以很容易地检查/查看游戏输出的日志,而不需要回到项目和做任何测试跟踪问题!(开源免费)