将绘制到canvas上的要素进行旋转: 1.绘制时,通过操作画布的坐标轴状态:平移画布原点,旋转坐标轴等,达到旋转图形的目的 2.操作操作DOM元素,直接旋转canvas画布 操作画布的坐标轴状态: var rect = {w:200,h:50,x:100,y:100}; function rotateCanvas(){ var angle = document.getElementById('angle').value; ctx.clearRect(0,0,myCanvas.width,myC
Note: This series blog was translated from Nathan Vaughn's Shaders Language Tutorial and has been authorized by the author. If reprinted or reposted, please be sure to mark the original link and description in the key position of the article after ob
头文件引入 导入manim命名空间 from manim import * manim基本结构 这是一个最基本的manim结构,格式: from manim import * class 类的名字(Scene): def construction(self): 类名叫做BaseFrame,传入一个场景Scene,并且包含一个construct()方法,传入self对象.self.wait()就是播放一段静默的动画(默认1秒) class BaseFrame(Scene): def con