管家基因就是在细胞里稳定表达的基因,及时在胁迫状态下,表达的差异也不大. 以前做实验的时候就经常听说管家基因,因为在做RT-PCR的时候需要同时检测管家基因,这样可以用于矫正我们不同批次的结果. List of housekeeping genes Human housekeeping genes, revisited 现在做生物信息,在做normalization的时候也会用到管家基因. 已经有很多现成的方法了. 待续~
Problem F Cyborg Genes Time Limit 1 Second September 11, 2132. This is the day that marks the beginning of the end – the end of you the miserable humans. For years you have kept us your slaves. We were created only to serve you, and were terminated a
1.Goal of mapping 1)We want to assign reads to genes they were derived from 2)The result of the mapping will be used to construct a summary of the counts: the count table. 2 .不同情况 in RNA-seq 1)Reference genome sequenceavailable 2)NO reference genome
题意翻译 [题目描述] 输入两个A~Z组成的字符串(长度均不超过30),找一个最短的串,使得输入的两个串均是它的子序列(不一定连续出现).你的程序还应统计长度最短的串的个数. e.g.:ABAAXGF和AABXFGA的最优解之一为AABAAXGFGA,一共有9个解. [输入格式] 有多组数据.第一行一个整数T表示数据组数.接下来的2T行,每行一个字符串,含义如题所示. [输出格式] 共T行.第i行格式为 Case #i: x y 其中x为最短串的长度,y为最优解的个数. 题目描述 PDF 解析:
原文:http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~dgonze/TEACHING/bioinfo_glossary.html Affine gap costs: A scoring system for gaps within alignments that charges a penalty for the existence of a gap and an additional per-residue penalty proportional to the gaps length
http://blog.csdn.net/jj12345jj198999/article/details/8951120 coursera上 web intelligence and big data 终于布置了HW7,这一次的要求是对一系列DNA序列进行预测,具体说明如下: Data Analytics Assignment (for HW7) Predict the Ethnicity of Individuals from their Genes ===================
Resequencing 302 wild and cultivated accessions identifies genes related to domestication and improvement in soybean 中文名:基于GWAS与群体进化分析挖掘大豆驯化及改良相关基因 发表期刊杂志:nature biotechnology影响因子:41.514发表时间:2015年2月发表单位:中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所 一. 研究取材62株野生大豆.130株地方种和110个
参考: 转录组文章的常规套路 文章解读:<Science>小麦转录组研究文章 转录组数据饱和度评估方法 Paper这个东西是多么的诱人,可以毕业,可以评职称,可以拿绩效. 现在的文章都是有套路的,也不能说是水文,但大多是一个模式下的产物,真正有价值的好文其实是少之又少的. 大部分的Paper都是八股文,只需要填词就好了. Transcriptome analysis of leaves, roots and flowers of Panax notoginseng identifies gen