今天项目中60秒倒计时模块需要用到GetTickCount(),这个函数,在此做下整理和总结. 1.定义 For Release configurations, this function returns the number of milliseconds since the device booted, excluding any time that the system was suspended. GetTickCount starts at 0 on boot and then cou
使用python语言实现在控制台打印日历 输入年.月.日 输出对应日历,指定的日数输出为'--' 程序没有做严格的输入验证,故输入整数即可. 以下为没有优化的源码: print_calendar.py #输出日历 def print_calendar(year,month,date = 1): month_dict = {':'July', ':'December'} #数字月份转换为字符串,并判断月份和号数是否合法 if month in range(1,13) and date in ran