(1)查看用户的连接状况 select user name, sid, serial# from v$session; (2)找到要删除用户的sid,和serial,并删除 例如要删除用户nc633test1225,此用户的SID为69,SERIA为11660,则执行以下语句 alter system kill session '69,11660' ; (3)删除用户 drop user nc633test1225 cascade 如果在drop 后还提示ORA-01940:无法删除当前已链接
git删除所有历史提交记录,只留下最新的干净代码 1.Checkout git checkout --orphan latest_branch 2. Add all the files git add -A 3. Commit the changes git commit -am "commit message" 4. Delete the branch git branch -D master 5.Rename the current branch to master git bra