在git操作中,我们经常会用到fetch, merge, pull和push等命令,以下是一些我们需要注意的地方. 给大家准备了参考资料: 1. Whatʼs a Fast Forward Merge?:https://sandofsky.com/images/fast_forward.pdf 2. Understanding the Git Workflow:https://sandofsky.com/blog/git-workflow.html 3. Understanding Git: M
在git操作中,我们经常会用到fetch, merge, pull和push等命令,以下是一些我们需要注意的地方. 给大家准备了参考资料: 1. Whatʼs a Fast Forward Merge?:https://sandofsky.com/images/fast_forward.pdf 2. Understanding the Git Workflow:https://sandofsky.com/blog/git-workflow.html 3. Understanding Git: M
Android Studio 通过 git update 或者 pull 的时候出错,log 如下: Couldn't save uncommitted changes. Tried to save uncommitted changes in stash before Update, but failed with an error. stash file://D:/github/rxAndroid: 0 [main] us 0 init_cheap: VirtualAlloc pointer
1. Git must be installed, Sublime plugin "Git" only connects Sublime with Git. Download URL https://git-scm.com/downloads 2. Enable Sublime 3 Package Control, which is a sublime package manage tool Ctrl+Shift+P Install Package Control 3. Install
如下图,addWcLesson.jsp做了修改,但是却显示蓝色√,而且在Eclipse的Git提交插件中也没有监测到修改的文件,导致无法Push and Commit 原因:之前有些文件执行了 assume unchanged操作,导致这些文件被忽略,系统无法识别到更新 解决办法:选中对应的Project右键执行no assume unchanged即可 eclipse在pull时发生冲突报错Checkout conflict with files:加提示冲突文件,解决方法 右击 t