今天使用VSCODE 学习node.js, 想在git上push代码 于是在git上建立了一个私有的长裤, 连接后push代码时提示如下错误: error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:....." Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally. This is usually caused by another
I have made a lot of changes, when I am trying to push them - I am getting the next error: You cannot push branch master to remote origin because there are new commits in the remote repository’s branch. Pushing this branch would result in a non-fast-
今天使用git push的时候出现了如下提示: warning: push.default is unset; its implicit value is changing in Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message and maintain the current behavior after the default changes, use: git config --global push.default