Given an array of integers, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that the difference between nums[i] and nums[j] is at most t and the difference between i and j is at most k. 这道题跟之前两道Contains Duplicate 包含重复值和Conta
Given an array of integers, find if the array contains any duplicates. Your function should return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and it should return false if every element is distinct. 这道题不算难题,就是使用一个哈希表,遍历整个数组,如果哈希表里存在,返回fal
用到ISNULL()函数 例如:SELECT 其他列名,ISNULL(列名,替换值)as 重命名 from 表名 (简单参考: 查询某一列值为null:SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE column_1 IS NULL;——————ACCESS下用:select * from test_table where isnull(column_1)
• 方法一:查询所有包含某文本的存储过程.视图.函数 SELECT * from sysobjects o, syscomments s where = AND text LIKE '%text%' • 方法二: select routine_name,routine_definition,routine_type from information_schema.routines where routine_definition like'%exec%' ORDER B
MySQL左右连接查询中的NULL的数据筛选问题 xpression 为 Null,则 IsNull 将返回 True:否则 IsNull 将返回 False. 如果 expression 由多个变量组成,则任何成员变量中的 Null 将导致为整个表达式返回 True. SELECT,g.type_id,t.type_id,t.type_name FROM game g LEFT JOIN game_type t ON t.type_id=g.type_id where not I
判断数组中是否包含某个值这里有四种方法.用的测试数据: let arr=["a","b","c"]; let arr2={"a":"aaa","b":"bbb","c":"ccc"}; in判断是否在数组的key里in操作符针对的是key,而非value.而对于普通的一维数组来说,key是隐藏的.所以,对于判断某个数组中是否含有