halcon软件最高效的一个方面在于模板匹配,号称可以快速进行柔性模板匹配,能够非常方便的用于缺陷检测.目标定位.下面以一个简单的例子说明基于形状特征的模板匹配. 为了在右图中,定位图中的三个带旋转箭头的圆圈.注意存在,位置.旋转和尺度变化. 上halcon程序 * This example program shows how to find scaled and rotated shape models. dev_update_pc ('off') dev_update_window
* This example shows how to employ the new extensions of HALCON's variation model operators* to perform customary print quality tests.* In this example the variation model is built upon a single reference image.* The example consists of three steps:*