扫扫关注"茶爸爸"微信公众号 坚持最初的执着,从不曾有半点懈怠,为优秀而努力,为证明自己而活. Mapper XML Files The true power of MyBatis is in the Mapped Statements. This is where the magic happens. For all of their power, the Mapper XML files are relatively simple. Certainly if you were to
或许是惯性思维,在mybatis使用foreach循环调用的时候,很多时候都是传一个对象,传一个List的情况很少,所以写代码有时候会不注意就用惯性思维方法做了. 今天向sql传参,传了一个List作为参数,然后在xml里再foreach循环调用.然后报错信息如: mybatis foreach报错It was either not specified and/or could not be found for the javaType Type handler was null on para