[root@node01 customShells]# hdfs dfs -ls /Warning: fs.defaultFS is not set when running "ls" command. 原因: /usr/bin/ 下存在 hadoop和hdfs可执行文件,usr/bin 是优先查找的路径,所以先找到了 .usr/bin 下面的hdfs,直接执行了. 执行的不是你安装目录下的文件,所以读取不到你hadoop的配置. 可以执行 which hadoop和which hd
例如:[hadoop@db01 hadoop-2.5.0]$ bin/hdfs dfs -ls17/03/01 21:50:33 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicableFound 1 items -----------------------------------------
hadoop fs:使用面最广,可以操作任何文件系统. hadoop dfs与hdfs dfs:只能操作HDFS文件系统相关(包括与Local FS间的操作),前者已经Deprecated,一般使用后者. 以下内容参考自stackoverflow Following are the three commands which appears same but have minute differences hadoop fs {args} hadoop dfs {args} hdfs dfs {a
hadoop fs:使用面最广,可以操作任何文件系统. hadoop dfs与hdfs dfs:只能操作HDFS文件系统相关(包括与Local FS间的操作),前者已经Deprecated,一般使用后者. 以下内容参考自stackoverflow Following are the three commands which appears same but have minute differences hadoop fs {args} hadoop dfs {args} hdfs dfs {a
http://blog.csdn.net/pipisorry/article/details/51340838 'Hadoop DFS'和'Hadoop FS'的区别 While exploring HDFS, I came across these two syntaxes for querying HDFS: > hadoop dfs > hadoop fs why we have two different syntaxes for a common purpose 为什么会对同一个功能
hadoop fs: FS relates to a generic file system which can point to any file systems like local, HDFS etc. So this can be used when you are dealing with different file systems such as Local FS, HFTP FS, S3 FS, and others 意思是说该命令可以用于其他文件系统,不止是hdfs文件系统内,
不多说,直接上干货! hadoop fs: 使用面最广,可以操作任何文件系统. hadoop dfs与hdfs dfs : 只能操作HDFS文件系统相关(包括与Local FS间的操作),前者已经Deprecated,一般使用后者. 以下内容参考自stackoverflow: Following are the three commands which appears same but have minute differences hadoop fs {args} hadoop df