Clearly, the program created by the Xamarin.Forms template is very simple, so this is an excellent opportunity to examine the generated code files and figure out their interrelationships and how they work. Let’s begin with the code that’s responsible
今天,我遇到了一个sybase数据库查询的问题.一句简单的sql,但是不知道为什么查询不出来,导致生产生产服务器频频挂掉.吓得我的小心脏砰砰啊. select DISTINCT A.FCIL_CDE as fcilCde from DND_EVENT_LOG A WHERE A.DOC_REF =? AND A.DOC_TYPE = ? AND A.START_OR_END = 'S' 后来,经网络运营经理查询,原来是客户传递的参数中包含了特殊字符,即全角空格的转义(\u00a0). 原因是由于