This program creates a segment at paragraph 0x40 and comments the BIOS data area. You should load and execute this file to see the names of BIOS data area variables. //----
1.覆盖索引:select和where中包含的结果集中应存在“非聚集索引列”,这样就不用查找基表了,索引表即可搞定: 2.索引交叉:索引的交叉可以理解成建立多个非聚集索引之间的join,如表实体一样,因为每个非聚集索引都会保存两件东西 1是聚集索引键(存在的话,如果不存在就会存储实际表的行),2则是非聚集索引的键值. 3.索引连接:是索引交叉的特例(select l1,l2 from t_ where l1='asd' and l2='qwe'): 4.索引过滤:在创建索引的
一.断点 调试很重要一点是下断点,看看IDA提供的功能,本来已经和WinDbg一样强了. 官方文档的变化 Edit breakpoint Action name: BreakpointEdit Condition(6.5及之前版本) This IDC expression will be evaluated each time the breakpoint is reached. If the expression returns true, the debugger will execute