在idea使用sonarlint可能出现以下报错: Plugin 'org.sonarlint.idea' failed to initialize and will be disabled. Please restart IntelliJ IDEA. com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: org/sonarlint/intellij/config/global/SonarLintGlobalSettings : Unsupported major.m
I'm using ubuntu14 LTS. Problems: 1. When run roscore, got a mistake and an advice to ping the localhost. 2. Nearly every time I run a directive with sudo, I got a warning that unable to resolve host. It turns out, the reason is I changed the ubuntu
自从8月3日跑了半马以后,又一鼓作气报了11月份的西昌马拉松.与第一次马拉松的只求完赛目标不同,第二次当然想取得一个更好的成绩.所以8月份练的比较猛,基本上是练2.3天休息一天,周么还要拉个长于21公里的LSD.拒不完全统计,8月份总跑量达到了260公里+.并且有一天周末跑了个人最好的半马成绩1小时53分. 后来从往网上看到在9月20日布里斯班的一个海滨会举行半程马拉松,叫做Twilight Bay Run(黄昏海滨马拉松),听名字就觉得爽.看了看地图,是在一个海边跑的,沿着海边,吹着海风,痛痛
异常处理汇总-开发工具 http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/4522988.html cleanup failed to process the following paths:xxx Previous operation has not finished; run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted 解决方法有两个,一个是用sqlite清除下数据库wc.db的work_queue,这种网上说的比较多.我说下第二种方法:这个需要svn
linux 环境下运行ECLIPSE时 出现 “ A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run STS. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations: /home/carlos/Documents/soft/sts-bundle/sts-3.7.3
jBPM4.4 no jBPM DB schema: no JBPM4_EXECUTION table. Run the create.jbpm.schema target first in the install tool. 开始钻研工作流的东西,第一颗钉子,笔记之: 错误信息: jBPM4.4 no jBPM DB schema: no JBPM4_EXECUTION table. Run the create.jbpm.schema target first in the inst
1.svn在提交文件是报错:previous operation has not finished;run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted2.原因,工作队列被占用,只需在svn项目数据库 .svn文件夹下wc.db的表work_queue 清空即可,[delete from work_queue] 3.项目 clear up 操作,4.成功!
今天在svn提交的时候它卡顿了一下,我以为已经提交完了,就按了一下,结果就再也恢复不了,也继续不了了... 报错 cleanup failed–previous operation has not finished; run cleanup if it was interrupted 试过执行cleanup,结果也是失败,要更新先要cleanup,但是cleanup的失败信息又叫我cleanup……这是一个死循环! 感觉这是一个设计上的缺陷:使用工作队列来保存数据,后一个操作依赖于前一个操作的结