install calltree: download from for linux, Check READ.linux to compile and install, very simple!!! then copy calltree/OBJ/i686-linux-cc/calltree to /usr/bin granphviz: i used "sudo yu
举个例子: a.js ; module.exports.a = a; b.js var result = require('./a'); var getA =() => { console.log(result.a); } 然后打包生成: browserify b.js > bb.js 然后在页面端调用时,报getA() is not defined的错误: <script src="bb.js"></script> <script> g
接口正常执行,返回给前端后报服务器500异常,异常详情: org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: No converter found for return value of type: class java.util.ArrayList 原因没有深究,大概是$.ajax函数在前端接收的数据类型为JSON,而服务中没有能将ArrayList转换成JSON的类. 暂时记下解决方案——在项目中添加JSON
首先看一下Web应用部署初始化过程 (Web Application Deployement),官方文档说明: Web Application Deployment When a web application is deployed into a container, the following steps must be performed, in this order, before the web application begins processing client requests