Linux中的QoS分为入口(Ingress)部分和出口(Egress)部分,入口部分主要用于进行入口流量限速(policing),出口部分主要用于队列调度(queuing scheduling).大多数排队规则(qdisc)都是用于输出方向的,输入方向只有一个排队规则,即ingress qdisc.ingress qdisc本身的功能很有限,如下; Ingress qdisc The ingress qdisc itself does not require any parameters.
Ingress qdisc All qdiscs discussed so far are egress qdiscs. Each interface however can also have an ingress qdisc which is not used to send packets out to the network adaptor. Instead, it allows you to apply tc filters to packets coming in over the
ifb The Intermediate Functional Block device is the successor to the IMQ iptables module that was never integrated. Advantage over current IMQ; cleaner in particular in SMP; with a _lot_ less code. Old Dummy device functionality is preserved while
原文: 首先贴上Linux内核的ifb.c的文件头注释: The purpose of this driver is to provide a device that allows for sharing of resources: 1) qdiscs/policies that are per device as opposed to system wide. ifb allows for a dev
<本文摘自Linux的高级路由和流量控制HOWTO中文版 第9章节>网人郭工进行再次编译: 利用队列,我们可以控制数据发送的方式.记住我们只能对发送数据进行控制(或称为整形).其实,我们无法直接控制别人向我们发送什么数据.然而,Internet主要依靠TCP/IP,它的一些特性很有用.因为TCP/IP没办法知道两个主机之间的网络容量,所以它会试图越来越快地发送数据(所谓的“慢起技术”) ,当因为网络容量不够而开始丢失数据时,再放慢速度.实际情况要比这种方法更聪明,我们以后再讨论. Linux