1.最简单的内置format函数: >>> format(1234567890,',') '1,234,567,890' 2.正则表达式: import re def formatNum(num): num=str(num) pattern=r'(\d+)(\d{3})((,\d{3})*)' while True: num,count=re.subn(pattern,r'\1,\2\3',num) if count==0: break return num if __name__=='
一般在JavaScript中实现千分符,是使用切割+连接一顿操作 这里尝试一下使用正则快速实现千分符 let num0 = '12' let num1 = '123' let num2 = '1234' let num3 = '123456789' let num4 = '1234567890' let num5 = '12345678901' let num6 = '123456789012' let num7 = '1234567890123' let r0 = num0.replace(/
js脚本function: //js数字千分符处理 function commafy(num) { num = num + ""; var re = /(-?\d+)(\d{3})/ while (re.test(num)) { num = num.replace(re, "$1,$2") } return num; }
//js数字千分符处理 function commafy(num) { num = num + ""; var re = /(-?\d+)(\d{3})/ while (re.test(num)) { num = num.replace(re, "$1,$2") } return num; } 执行下,效果不错,收藏记录
可以通过缩放来进行分到元的转换,同时使用正则对处理后的数字进行千分位格式化 方法1:(不丢失精度) function Fen2Yuan( num ) { if ( typeof num !== "number" || isNaN( num ) ) return null; return ( num / 100 ).toFixed( 2 ); } 方法2: var num = 370825 num=num*0.01;//分到元 num+='';//转成字符串 var reg=num.in
以下Function可以用于textbox的KeyUp事件: 2014-06-06 发现旧版IE不支持selectionStart还有字符串的"[]"索引获取值, 已经修复这个bug. 2014-06-10 修复上一次修复遗留的IE的bug. /* Validate the textbox value is decimal. */ var numberChars = "1234567890"; function isDecimal(item) { var obj =
package com.Summer_0420.cn; /** * @author Summer * 获取数值型数组中大于60的元素个数 * 给数值型数组中不足60分的加20分 */ public class TestMethod02 { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] a = {1,35,60,80,75,123,156,32,1}; show(a); } private static void show(int[] a) { i
JS数字千分: 1.例子:1000--->1,000 2.实现如下: salesToFormat: function (num) { var num = (num || 0).toString(), result = ''; while (num.length > 3) {//拿掉num的最后三位给result result = ',' + num.slice(-3) + result; num = num.slice(0, num.length - 3); } if (num) { resu
mysql数字加减科学计数法 这两天因为需求,需要获取一张表的流水号.规则是这样的.当前日期+8位流水号.比如:2015062400000001,2015062400000002,2015062400000003.... 因为考虑到并发问题,所以解决的方案是:在MySQL写存储过程,逻辑如下: 1.查询表今天流水号的最大主键值:如: SELECT MAX(a.ORDER_ID) from Zhang_Test a where 1=1 and a.order_id LIKE CONCAT('%',