""" 21跟火柴 """ from random import randint def main(): total=21 while total>0: print('剩余%d跟火柴'% total) while True: num=int(input('你拿几根火柴:')) if 1<=num<=4 and num<=total: break total-=num if total>0: com=randint(1
将前段时间开源的代码.公布一下: ARDBConfig On the iOS, provide a database table structure update mechanism, ensure that the user in any version of the installer, the database structure to ensure adapter. (在iOS上.提供一个数据库表结构更新的机制,保证用户不管从哪个版本号安装程序,数据库结构保证适配. ) 如:用户A的数据