[1]确定linux系统正确安装了ssh # sudo ps -e | grep ssh ①注意使用root,使用$会报如下错误: [appadmin@webcsuat2 ~]$ sudo ps -e | grep ssh [sudo] password for appadmin: //此处输入appadmin 的登录密码 appadmin is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. 正确安装的话,会如下所示: [
1.在百度搜索输入"putty"然后进行下载,下载后无需安装只需要在文件中找到"putty.exe"双击即可运行. 2.在"Host Name or IP Address"中输入你的linux服务器的IP地址"xx.xx.xx.xx"然后点击[open]按钮. 3.然后在提示信息login as:后输入用户名,输入完成后按键盘[回车键].在password提示信息出来后输入登录的密码,输入完成后按键盘[回车键].如果帐号输入正
指令:ssh username@server.address.com 事例:wangmingdeMacBook-Pro:~ xxxxxxxxxx$ ssh root@XXXX.net The authenticity of host 'xxxx.net (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 13:82:21:f3:47:ac:15:44:f5:d0:c4:65:a0:5c:cc:06. Are you su