Jasmine https://www.npmjs.com/package/jasmine The Jasmine Module The jasmine module is a package of helper code for developing Jasmine projects for Node.js. The core of jasmine lives at https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine and is jasmine-core in npm. C
Jasmine的开发团队来自PivotalLabs,他们一开始开发的JavaScript测试框架是JsUnit,来源于著名的JAVA测试框架JUnit.JsUnit是xUnit的JavaScript实现.但是JsUnit在2009年后就已经停止维护了,他们推出了一个新的BDD框架Jasmine.Jasmine不依赖于任何框架,所以适用于所有的Javascript代码. 所谓BDD(行为驱动开发,Behaviour Driven Development),是一种新的敏捷开发方法.Dan North
原文标题:Autotesting JavaScript with Jasmine and Guard 原文地址:http://edspencer.net/2013/06/15/autotesting-javascript-with-jasmine-and-guard/ 通过Jasmine和Guard自动测试JavaScript 我喜欢Rails的一个原因是:他介绍了自动测试的理念给我,即一个监听你文件系统改变的文本,然后在文件发生改变时,自动运行你的单元测试. 因为单元测试通常情况下运行得很快,
TEST: Before you've written any of the code, you know how you want it to behave. You have a specification for its behavior. 为什么需要测试 当我们给程序添加了新功能后,可以run test来判断,新代码是否破坏了原有的程序. a well-writen test能帮助,其他开发者,更容易理清程序是如何工作的. TDD: test-driven development BDD
Karma 官网On the AngularJS team, we rely on testing and we always seek better tools to make our life easier. That's why we created Karma - a test runner that fits all our needs.Karma是一个测试工具.The main goal for Karma is to bring a productive testing envir