mysql下的将多个字段名的值复制到另一个字段名中(批量更新数据)mysql字符串拼接cancat实战例子: mysql update set 多个字段相加,如果是数字相加可以直接用+号(注:hundred,ten,one字段 为int类型):update `ssc`.`historydata` set `last3` = hundred+ten+one 如果是把几个字段的内容当成字符串拼接可以使用CONCAT函数:update `ssc`.`historydata` set `last3` =
using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Reflection; foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof(SystemInformation).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { Console.WriteLine(fi.Name); Console.WriteLine(fi.GetValue(fi.Name)
declare v_sql varchar2(1000); data_count number; begin -- OWNER是模式名 tablespace_name是表空间 for cur_table in (select distinct table_name from ALL_ALL_TABLES WHERE OWNER='NEWJNCJEXT' and tablespace_name='JNCJ') loop for cur_column in (select distinct colu
with t as ( select '111,222,333' col from dual union all select '444,555,666' col from dual ) , level) AS SUBJECT_IDS from t connect by level <= regexp_count(col, '[^,]+') and col = prior col