在Java笔试中,构造方法.实例初始化.静态初始化执行顺序,是一个经常被考察的知识点. 像下面的这道题(刚刚刷题做到,虽然做对了,但是还是想整理一下) 运行下面的代码,输出的结果是... class A { public A() { System.out.println("class A"); } { System.out.println("I'm A class"); } static { System.out.println("class A stat
Scripted AI and Scripting Engines 脚本AI与脚本引擎 This chapter discusses some of the techniques you can use to apply a scripting system to the problem of game AI, and the benefits you can reap from doing this. At its most basic level, you can think of scri