方法一: 在项目开发过程中,需要获取音视频文件时长.查询资料后发现 JAVE能够完美得到想要的结果,JAVE项目简介如下: The JAVE (Java Audio Video Encoder) library is Java wrapper on the ffmpeg project. Developers can take take advantage of JAVE to transcode audio and video files from a format to another. I
Unity3d 4及之前的版本中动画的播放用的animation,可直接获取其播放持续长度.但5.x及以后的版本中都是用animator来播放动画了. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/AnimationOverview.html While Mecanim is recommended for use in most situations, Unity has retained its legacy animation system which existed b
Date ruZhi = new Date("入职年月bai"); Date now = new Date(); //算出du来时间夸格zhi多长 long shiChang = now.getTime()-now.getTIme(); //转换成天 int day = shiChang/(1000*60*24); //转换成想要dao的格式,这里zhuan定为1年=365天 1月=30天 //算出年 int year =day/365; day = day%365; //算出月 in
import wave import os.path # 音频存放文件夹绝对路径 filedir = '/Users/111/PycharmProjects/TextClassify/wav' list = os.listdir(filedir) time_count = 0 for file in list: if '.wav' in file: wav_path = filedir+'/'+file with wave.open(wav_path,'rb') as f: f = wave.o