Occasionally the average developer runs into a situation where he has to map values of arbitrary types within a particular container. However the Java collection API provides container related parameterization only. Which limits the type safe usage o
Java项目中每一个类都可以有一个main方法,但只有一个main方法会被执行,其他main方法可以对类进行单元测试. public class StaticTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Employee[] staff=new Employee[3]; staff[0]=new Employee("Tom",40000); staff[1]=new Employee("Dick",60000); s
在ASP.NET MVC开发中,需要绑定一个值给checkbox标签,如下面写法,它们运行时是没有问题,照样能跑. 看看上面的语法,在绑定时,它却出现绿浪线.提不绑定的值is not a valid value of attribute'checked'.但是绑定的值已经是true或是false了.在ASP.NET网页中,是没有这么一回事的.因为需要的就是True或是False. 现在解决问题是需要把True或是False转换为checked='checked' 或者是在input type=c