当我们通过POI设置了表格的列宽的时候,如果文字过长,希望文字能够自己折行显示. 截取代码如下: Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); //or new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); Row row = sheet.createRow(2); Cell cell = row.createCell(2); cell.setCellValue("Use \n with word wrap on to cr
设置换行符为Unix编码格式 设置编码统一为UTF-8 自动生成serialVersionUID.勾选"Serializable class without serialVersionUID",光标放在类名上,再次按Alt+Enter键,这个时候可以看到"Add serialVersionUID field"提示信息,点击可以自动生成serialVersionUID.
Eclipse崩溃,错误提示:MyEclipse has detected that less than 5% of the 64MB of Perm Gen (Non-heap memory) space remains. It is strongly recommendedthat you exit and restart MyEclipse with new virtual machine memoryparamters to increase this memory. Failure