序言 在看别人的代码时发现一个方法String.join(),因为之前没有见过所以比较好奇. 跟踪源码发现源码很给力,居然有用法示例,以下是源码: /** * Returns a new String composed of copies of the * {@code CharSequence elements} joined together with a copy of * the specified {@code delimiter}. * //这是用法示例 * <blockquote>
String.Join大大的方便了我们拼接字符串的处理. 1.普通用法:指定元素间的拼接符号 var ids = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ids.Add(i); } var inids = string.Join(",", ids); 输出结果:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 2.特殊场景:在元素上添加符号,例如:一个字符串的数组要作为DB脚本的in的条件,需要加单引号,看看我是怎么做的
(41)StringBuilder is NOT the answer for all string concatenation scenarios; String.Join could be 招数41: StringBuilder不适用于所有字符串连接的场景:String.Join可能是 Yes, if you are in a loop and adding to a string, then a StringBuilder *could* be most appropriate. Howe
List<string> list = new List<string>(); list.Add("I"); list.Add("Love"); list.Add("You"); string kk = string.Empty; kk = string.Join("-", list); Response.Write(kk); //结果 I-Love-You
Qualys项目中写到将ServerIP以“,”分割后插入数据库并将重复的IP去除后发送到服务器进行Scan,于是我写了下面的一段用来剔除重复IP: //CR#1796870 modify by v-yangwu, remove the IPs which are repeated. string[] arrayIP = ipAll.Split(','); List<string> listIP = new List<string>(); foreach (string ip in
源自Difference between String.Join() vs String.Concat() With .NET 4.0, String.Join() uses StringBuilder class internally so it is more efficient.Whereas String.Concat() uses basic concatenation of String using "+" which is of course not an efficie
Overloads Join(String, String[], Int32, Int32) Concatenates the specified elements of a string array, using the specified separator between each element. Join(String, String[]) Concatenates all the elements of a string array, using the specified sepa
String.Join 方法 平常工作中经常用到string.join()方法,在vs 2017用的运行时(System.Runtime, Version=中,共有九个(重载)方法. // // 摘要: // Concatenates the members of a collection, using the specified separator between // each member. // // 参数: // separator: // The string to
总感觉自己工作6年了,经验丰富.直到近期报了一个.net进阶班才知道.我还差得很远.就拿string.join对比 我的代码: public static int InsertModel<T>(T t) where T : BaseModel { Type type = typeof(T); string columnStrings = string.Join(",", type.GetProperties().Select(p => string.Format(&q