本系列目录:ASP.NET MVC4入门到精通系列目录汇总 在上一篇中,我们已经把项目的基本框架搭起来了,这一篇我们就来实现业务层和数据层的父接口及父类. 1.我们先来定义一个业务层父接口IBaseBLL.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Task
(28)Don’t assume that problems can only arise from business logic 招数28: 不要认为问题只会从业务层产生 When beginning to diagnose performance problems, we often assume the problem is in our business logic. Don’t forget that the areas of our code that provide infrast
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Gateway_Interface In computing, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) offers a standard protocol for web servers to interface with executable programs running on a serverthat generate web pages dynamically. Such programs