在YARN上开发长服务,需要注意fault-tolerance,本篇文章对appmaster的平滑重启的一个参数做了解析,如何设置可以有助于达到appmaster平滑重启. 在yarn-site.xml有个参数 /** * The maximum number of application attempts. * It's a global setting for all application masters. */ yarn.resourcemanager.am.max-attempts 一
此方法可以用来监控Windows Service是否运行良好 1.创建批处理程序,判断服务是否启动,若未启动则启动之 @echo off Rem Look for the Print Spooler service in the list of started services net start | find /i "Print Spooler" Rem if not found, start it and a restart occurred. " ( echo Serv