Jenkins 有三种类型的构建触发器,如下图: Build after other projects are built:在其他项目构建后构建: Build periodically:定时构建: Poll SCM:定时检查代码更新,如果有更新则构建. 其中“Build periodically”和“Poll SCM”使用的是Cron,帮助文档如下: This field follows the syntax of cron (with minor differences). Specifica
邮件触发类型介绍(Triggers) By default, the onlytrigger configured is the "Failure" trigger. To add moretriggers, select one from the dropdown, and it will be added to the list. Once you have added a trigger, you have several options. If you click &quo
如上图所示,Jenkins通常通过点击“立即构建”来进行手动构建项目,其实也可以使用配置中的 Poll SCM和Build periodically来进行定时自动构建项目: 在“配置”——>“构建触发器”中,如下图所示: Build after other projects are built:在其他项目触发的时候触发,里面有分为三种情况,也就是其他项目构建成功.失败.或者不稳定的时候触发项目: Poll SCM:定时检查源码变更(根据SCM软件的版本号),如果有更新就checkout最新cod
触发器说明 build whenever a snapshot dependency is built,当job依赖的快照版本被build时,执行本job. 触发远程构建 (例如,使用脚本):这里使用于自动化构建,拼接url后写入代码中可以实现在脚本或者工具执行构建 build after other projects are built,当本job依赖的job被build时,执行本job Trigger only if build is stable:只有在构建稳定时才触发 Trigger e
build whenever a snapshot dependency is built 当job依赖的快照版本被build时,执行本job. build after other projects are built 当本job依赖的job被build时,执行本job 这里又分三种情况: ①Trigger only if build is stable:其他项目构建成功 ②Trigger even if the build is unstable:其他项目不稳定 ③Trigger even i