依稀记得第一次接触Hook的概念是在周伟民先生的书中-><<多任务下的数据结构与算法>>,当时觉得Hook的本质就是拦截,就算到现在也是如此认为. 本篇文章是在x86下测试与分析跳转+offset类型的Hook,并且逆推测出热补丁的简单用法,MinHook它的中心就是覆盖重写并且可以复原.知道大概的思路后后让我们先来具体的实现MinHook再去做测试. 首先是堆的申请,这是必要也必须做的,对于微软函数HeapCreate()就不再赘述,以下是实现与卸载 NTSTATUS WI
Syntax: MOVEMODIFY(position) Parameters: position: Absolute position for the current move to complete at. 当前移动的绝对值位置一定要完成 Description: MOVEMODIFY will change the absolute end position of a single axis MOVE , MOVEABS , MOVESP , MOVEABSSP or MOVEMODI
There is some notes while I am learning Ubuntu Operate System! (Ask Ubuntu & Fedora) 1-- Hard link : ln command have different parm. Hard link means that the two files is connect together for backup the original files.If you edit any of the two files