linux上使用J-Link调试S3C2440裸机代码 工具: segger的jlink仿真器 segger的jlink for linux 交叉编译工具链里面的arm-xx-linux-xx-gdb 初始化脚本 工具安装 segger的jlink for linux 进入Segger官网--->Download--->J-Link/J-Trace--->J-Link Software and Documentation Pack.有deb.rpm.tgz三种包可供选择,随便选一个,我选
J-Link GDB Server - SEGGER Hilden, Germany – September 15th, 2011 – SEGGER Microcontroller today announced the freeavailability of the J-Link GDB-Server. As the GNU-tool-chain gains ground in terms of performance and usability, GDB continues to grow
One of the basic needs of the embedded software development through the terminal to output debugging information, generally two ways to achieve: one is the COM port on the UART and PC using a serial cable connecting plate through the PC HyperTerminal
Quicklinks If you already know what are the features of the new plug-in and just want to know how to install/use it, you can directly skip to: J-Link install J-Link plug-in usage Why a new plug-in? Until now, debugging with the J-Link probe in Eclips
Why J-Link? In case you wonder why GNU ARM Eclipse decided to provide support to SEGGER J-Link, the short answer is: because of J-Link EDU and of SWO. The long answer may include the following: wide processor support (there is probably no unsupported