如何看懂Oracle执行计划 一.什么是执行计划 An explain plan is a representation of the access path that is taken when a query is executed within Oracle. 二.如何访问数据 At the physical level Oracle reads blocks of data. The smallest amount of data read is a single Oracle bloc
一.编写run_jmeter,bat @echo off::设置参数::参考命令:jmeter -n -t d:\123.jmx -l result.jtl -e -o d:\report\report_1for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"SET timeStamp=%dt:~0,4%-%dt:~4,2%-%dt:~6,2%_%d
本期目标: 理解Thread Groups的顺序执行与并行执行 控制因子:Run Thread Groups consecutively(i.e.one at time) 预期结论: 1.勾选 Run Thread Groups consecutively(i.e.one at time),则表示顺序执行.顺序执行,指的是测试计划中存在多个线程组时,第一个线程组执行完后再执行下一个线程组. 2.不勾选 Run Thread Groups consecutively(i.e.one at time