ios调用Html内JS alert 不能点击关闭为甚? This question gave me the most insight to the problem... Deadlock with GCD and webView The gist is that the thread handling the JS from the stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: method and the thread handling the iOS al
题外话 官方正式版尽管内置了.autocomplete-plus;最为明显的一个功能就是记忆你已经输入过的名称进行匹配; 可是针对于某些语言来说,还是有些不足的-.当中JS的补全上就明显不足了-所以须要借助插件来拓展 atom-ternjs 官方描写叙述: Javascript code intelligence for atom with tern.js. Uses suggestion provider by autocomplete-plus. 简言之,就是JS代码智能提示,个人也希望以后