ios调用Html内JS alert 不能点击关闭为甚? This question gave me the most insight to the problem... Deadlock with GCD and webView The gist is that the thread handling the JS from the stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: method and the thread handling the iOS al
将下面代码拷贝进一个html文件中就可以运行查看效果. function downLoad(evt) { disabledButton(); MyPeriodicalExecuter(evt); } function disabledButton(){ var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName_r("input"); for(var i = 0;i if(inputs[i].type.toLowerCase()=="button&q
以前用jq 做过图片切换 滑动之类的特效现在想用js 试试是怎么一回事 jq图片切换的思路是用index()函数获取当前点击的按钮的索引然后根据索引值将对应索引的图片显示出来 于是查了一下js 是如何获取index的如下: js代码 var ul = document.getElementById("list"); var ul_child = ul.getElementsByTagName('li'); for (var i = 0; i < ul_child.length;